2023 Kékhegy Ami úrrá tesz

Mátra, Hungary
Cserszegi Füszeres (cherz-er-gee foozaresh), Traminer
Clay, chalk and andesite
12 days skin contract Traminer blended with 4 days skin contact Cserszegi Fűszeres
1.4 g/l
5.7 g/l
Mátra, Hungary
Cserszegi Füszeres (cherz-er-gee foozaresh), Traminer
Clay, chalk and andesite
12 days skin contract Traminer blended with 4 days skin contact Cserszegi Fűszeres
1.4 g/l
5.7 g/l
Notes & Pairings
“Ami úrrá tesz” roughly translates to, “what makes you noble?” It’s a 50/50 blend of 12 days skin contract Traminer blended with 4 days skin contact Cserszegi fűszeres [cherz-er-gee foozaresh]. The Úrráteszi vineyard is a cooler site coupled with a high lime content, so it amplifies the salt and aromatics without dropping acidity. It’s someplace in between a rosé and an aromatic baby skin contact wine. Bone dry and refreshing. Bottled unfiltered with minimal SO2.