Importer of Memorable Wines from the New Old World of Eastern and Central Europe
Importer of Memorable Wines from the New Old World of Eastern and Central Europe

2023 Tomcsányi Petnat

2023 Tomcsányi Petnat
Somló, Hungary (Shoam-low)
50% Olaszrizling, 35% Chardonnay, 15% Tramini
Cool Continental
Chalk and basalt crumb
Direct press wines followed by 1 month in barrel

Notes & Pairings

This is actually our first Pét-nat from Somló from any producer. Much of that is because botrytis is so prevalent and sought after in certain schools of thought. At lower elevations, botrytis is also more common due to the humidity layer and exposure. Along comes Tomcsányi which is nearly at the very top of the volcano. Along with higher immunity from organic farming, his grapes can be both ripe, botrytis free and screaming with acidity. This 2023 is a blend of direct pressed Olaszrizling, Chardonnay, and Traminer followed by 1 month in barrel. Bottled with just 12 g/l RS, the lower pressure bar avoids the explosive and foaming nature of pet-náts we try to avoid in lieu of something persistent, aromatic, dry and delicious.

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