Edgar Brutler Vinul Casei Alb

Crișana, Romania
White Field Blend
Continental (hot summers & cold winters)
Clay, loam
80% tank fermented and 20% in 600L oak barrels
0.9 g/l
7.35 g/l
Notes & Pairings
If you can’t find a solid village wine, then it’s probably best to move on to the next village. Vinul Casei alb (white house wine) gives you every reason to stay and dig into this place. This is from a small field blend planted in 1926 consisting mostly of Grünspitz, Fetească Regală, and Welschriesling. They also buy a small amount from their friend Laci who organically farms some Rhine Riesling, Furmint and Chardonnay. The 2022 was 80% tank fermented and 20% in 600L oak barrels. A liter is the smallest possible vessel for this kind of wine. The village of Beltiug has over 300 private cellars and Edgar loves to stroll around, talk to people, and is inevitably offered some wine. There’s something aromatic and distinct that’s shared in all of these wines. As Edgar puts it, “while drinking it I want you to imagine how you are standing in a small private cellar while the winemaker tells you about his worries and joys. A moment when you can forget everything else – these are some of the favorite hours of my life. The label might seem very basic. Basic like the wines you could find and drink in Beltiug. But the emotional complexity of these wines is deeper and more extensive than you can imagine.”