Importer of Memorable Wines from the New Old World of Eastern and Central Europe
Importer of Memorable Wines from the New Old World of Eastern and Central Europe

2022 Sziegl Kadarka Herreberg

2022 Sziegl Kadarka Herreberg
Hajós-Baja, Hungary
100% Kadarka
Loess and sand
Half fermented semi carbonic, half whole-berry both in open vats. 85% aged in used oak barrels, 15% in tank.
0.9 g/l
5.6 g/l

Notes & Pairings

Kadarka is what brought us to visit the Sziegl family in the first place. They have a .08 hectare plot of 100+ year old Kadarka (a few other grapes peppered in here and there) called the Kolostordomb. It’s one of those places where it immediately hits you that it’s special. The head trained vines in pure sand grow parallel to the tops of the cellar house roofs with cellars directly underfoot. Only 250-300 bottles are produced a year. You need to visit in order to drink them. This is the fruit that also inspired other plantings in the 12 year old Herreberg vineyard which are in turn yielding delicious wines. This is yet another example of one of the most compelling red grapes coming back to life from Central Europe.

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