2021 Kolonics Furmint Szent István

Somló, Hungary (Shoam-low)
100% Furmint
Cool Continental
Basalt and ancient seabed
6-12 hours on the skins. 12 months aging on the fine lees with zero racking and then an additional 2 years in bottle before release.
6.7 g/l
6.9 g/l
Notes & Pairings
Szent István was the first Christian King of Hungary. He’s impossible to miss walking around Budapest or anywhere in Hungary really, and still resides on the 10,000 Forint. He tragically lost all of his children before his own death and is among other things, venerated as the patron saint of children suffering from severe illnesses. Perhaps less tragic, he’s also the patron saint of bricklayers, stonemasons and Hungary itself. Needless to say, he’s regarded to have a strong moral compass and gave Hungary 40 or so years of peace which for Hungary is saying something. The Szent István barrel is a long lived 100+ year old oak barrel. The biome of this barrel yields wines with a strong profile befitting the first King of Hungary. All the levels are up in this vintage. It’s like spiking the hard mineral water of the hill with plenty of structure, acidity and residual sugar. The barrel also lends some black walnut richness as well. After 6-12 hours on the skins, its gravity fed into barrel. A minimum of 12 months aging on the fine lees with zero racking and then an additional 2 years in bottle before release. The only addition is SO2.