2021 Kolonics Hárslevelű Nimrod

Somló, Hungary (Shoam-low)
%100 Hárslevelű (HARSHlehveh-LOO)
Cool Continental
Basalt and ancient seabed
6-12 hours on the skins. 12 months aging on the fine lees with zero racking and then an additional 2 years in bottle before release.
2.2 g/l
5.2 g/l
Notes & Pairings
Nimród is considered to be the forefather of modern day Hungarians. A ruler in ancient Mesopotamia, a prodigious hunter, commissioned the construction of the Tower of Babel, and had a reputation for being rebellious against God. Seems like a fun guy. He also had two sons Hunor (Aka the Huns) and Magyar (the name of Hungary itself – Magyarország). Many Hungarians like to think that their skill of shooting a bow and arrow while on horseback is a dominant Nimród gene. Dominant or recessive genetics aside, Nimród is a foundational figure in Hungarian lore and deserves a 1000 liter oak barrel filled with Hárslevelű. After 6-12 hours on the skins, its gravity fed into barrel. A minimum of 12 months aging on the fine lees with zero racking and then an additional 2 years in bottle before release. The only addition is SO2. The Nimród barrel is similar to the Attila, but with a stronger toast to emphasize the aromatics of the grape. It’s also the driest of the wines we are getting from 2021. The acidity and aromatics need to find the balance in the absence of residual sugar. Golden, salty, aromatic and structured Somlói Hárslevelű.