Importer of Memorable Wines from the New Old World of Eastern and Central Europe
Importer of Memorable Wines from the New Old World of Eastern and Central Europe

2020 Apátsági Hárslevelű

2020 Apátsági Hárslevelű
Somló, Hungary (Shoam-low)
%100 Hárslevelű (HARSHlehveh-LOO)
Cool Continental
Chalk and basalt “crumb
Vinified with ambient yeasts in 600-to-2,000-liter barrels
7 g/l
7.6 g/l

Notes & Pairings

The Apátsági Hárslevelű exemplifies what Zoltán admires about the appellation as a whole, “When you have Somló acid, why not find balance with sugar?” In fact, Somló wines were historically suited for export due to this high acidity. Prior to WWII, there were laws stating that the wines also had to be in barrel for 5 years before sale making them even more stable (and softening said acids). The wine is oily, concentrated, bright, and powerful without losing fruitiness. A very alive wine that can only come from Somló.

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